We're commanded to be in the world but not of it.
It can be pretty tricky to stay cool in a pot of boiling water, though . . . because the world has this voice that's both loud and persuasive. Uncommon . . . but humanly plausible.
Now, for having a lot of low standards, the world sure has some nigh-well impossible ones, too.
What is this voice yelling at us? You need to be perfect. You need to be successful. You need to be happy. You need to follow your heart. You need to spend your life on yourself. The world is all about
who we are.
Now, for having a lot of low standards, the world sure has some nigh-well impossible ones, too.
What is this voice yelling at us? You need to be perfect. You need to be successful. You need to be happy. You need to follow your heart. You need to spend your life on yourself. The world is all about
who we are.
I am why I fear, and why
I remain silent. I am why I laugh and why I fight. I am why I give up. I am why I dream, and why I believe. |
So what is the why? I was born separate from perfection. Stuck with futile why’s that sounded good enough, but whose results weren't getting me anywhere. The world's voice was all I had to hold onto, because it was my own. I knew I needed to change, so I try and I scheme and I can’t make better myself. I can work my whole life and not get out of this. I can’t even stop the strongest things I can claim as my own from, one day, dying. I can’t stop my love from bending with time; it was born flawed and doomed to grow cold. I'm trapped. |