Wednesday, May 22, 2013

mayday, mayday

Power source: Peanut Butter
Dreams of: Reality
Age: ?
(let's just say that since his mid-life crisis is afoot; his life expectancy is 30)
(about sums it up)
I know the cat-ness ratio in the latest pictures
has been exorbitant.
But they require their homage.

We know the punishment. 


  1. A happy belated birthday to the middle-aged chap. Hope he had a good one.

    Tell Nadia those last to pictures are beyond disgusting. And that I hope she had a good meal.

    Love and see you tonight,

  2. Sad to miss the festivities.
    Why does the second to last picture make me think of the Hunger Games? Ratniss. .
    All my love,
    You Know Who
